The I Surgery Department
About the department
Surgery Department was established in 1949. The main education and treatment basis of the department is established in one of biggest clinics' of the Republic, Baku Clinical Hospital #3. First director of the department was prof. H.K.Aliyev (1949-1968). During that period the department realized the scientific research work on "Surgery of the esophagus" with supervision of prof. H.K.Aliyev. Later directors of the department were Kh.H.Hajiyev (1968-1970), Prof. M.M.Mehdiyev (1970-1971), Prof. A.A.Ismayilov (1972-1990) and V.M. Efendiyev (1991-2011).
Since 2012 Ph.D. N.A.Gasimov is leading the department. There are departments of general surgery, traumatology and orthopedy, urology, intensive therapy and anaesthesiology, different diagnostic and functional cabinets (USD, KT, gastroduodenoscopy, etc.) in the Baku Clinical Hospital #3, which is the treatment basis for the Surgery Department. Currently there are five teachers at the department: Ph.D., Prof. N.A.Gasimov, Docent A.K.Kazimov, assistants T.M.Aliyev, R.M.Babayev, I.K.Akbarova. Also four laboratory assistants work at the department: I.Mirzayev, S.Khudiyev, E.Akhundov, E.Aliyev. Annually different thematic courses longing a month are being organized in regions of the Republic (Ganja, nakhchivan, Gazakh, Lenkeran, Agstafa, etc.). Director of the department N.A. Gasimov supervises all scientific works implemented within the department. Prof. Gasimov Nazim Akif started to work at the department as a chief laboratory assistant in 1993. He worked as an assistant in 1996 and as a docent in 2001. In 2012 he became a director of the Surgery Department #1. He defended master thesis on "Restoration of cardial function after selective proximal vagotomy" in 1996 and doctor thesis in 2010. Prof.Gasimov is an author of 93 scientific works, 3 rationalization proposals and 1 patent.
Scientific activity of the department
Direction of the main scientific activity of the department prophylactics, diagnostics and development of treatment methods of diseases of esophagus, the stomach and duodenum, also application of laparoscopic surgery methods. More than 85 improvement courses have been held within the department during 20 years. More than 1200 doctors attended these courses on different surgery themes, such as "Chest and abdominal organs surgery", "Purulent infection", "Selected problems of children’s surgery", "Urgent chest and abdominal surgery", "Acute surgical diseases clinic, diagnosis and treatment", etc. More than 1000 first aid doctors attended these courses during 10 years.
Treatment activity of the department
Basis of the department is situated in the Clinical Hospital #3 supervise treatment activity of the surgery department. Employees of the department implement all forms of surgery of chest and abdominal organs. Main direction of treatment activity of the department is directed towards surgery of esophagus, the stomach and duodenum, also application of laparoscopic surgery methods.
The II Surgery Department
About the department
"The II general Surgery" Department was established within the Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute for Doctors named after A. Aliyev (ASATID) on May 25, 2009. The department performs at the Surgery Clinics of ASATID named after A. Aliyev. The Course of "General pathology" had been created within the Surgery Clinics of ASATID named after A. Aliyev in 2000. In 2005 "Proctology" Department was established within the Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute for Doctors named after A. Aliyev under supervision of Ph.D.Sh.H.Aliyev. About 140 doctors attended different courses held by the department since the date of its establishment. Also mobile courses have been held by specialists of the department in lenkaran, Masalli, Imishli, Gobustan and other districts of our Republic. The department is also a scientific-methodical centre in the Republic and specialists of the Department implement treatment of patients with coloproctology coming from different regions of our country. On May 25, 2009 the department of Proctology had been renamed "The II general Surgery" Department. Ph.D., prof. Sh.H.Aliyev leads the department since its establishment date. He had defended master thesis on theme "Melanoma during pregnancy" in Moscow Scientific Oncological Centre in 1991 and doctor thesis in Dagestan State Medical Academy in 2003. He also supervises planning and realization of scientific research works of the department. Especially he participates at organization of professional proctologic health care services to patients. Prof. Sh.H.Aliyev is an author of 25 scientific articles.
Scientific activity of the department
The main direction of scientific activity of the department is prevention, diagnosis and treatment methods of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum diseases, as well as application of mini-invasive (laparoscopic) surgery techniques. During last 20 years more than 85 implementation courses for surgeons have been held by the department on themes such as: "Chest and abdominal organs surgery", "Purulent infection", "Selected problems of children’s surgery", "Urgent chest and abdominal surgery", "Acute surgical diseases clinic, diagnosis and treatment", etc. More than 1000 first aid doctors attended these courses during 10 years. Besides it, during last 5 years annually 14 doctors attend qualification courses for 6 months and gained surgeon specialization.
Treatment activity of the department
Basis of the department is situated in the Clinical Hospital #3 supervise treatment activity of the surgery department. Employees of the department implement all forms of surgery of chest and abdominal organs. Main direction of treatment activity of the department is directed towards surgery of esophagus, stomach and duodenum, also application of laparoscopic surgery methods.
Department of Oncology
About the department
The department of Oncology of of the Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute for Doctors named after A. Aliyev (ASATID) was established in 1947. The department is performing in departments with different profiles of national Oncology Centre of the Ministry of Health with 600 beds. The first basis of the department was in the Hospital named after Semashko. The first director of the Department of Oncology was prof. G.I.Ginsburg. Docent A.M.Nasirof was elected as director of the department in 1954. Next director of the department was Prof. A.T.Abbasov (1967). Prof. A.T.Abbasov received post-graduate study at the Institute of Scientific Research Clinical Oncology of Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR in 1957, defended his doctoral dissertation in March 1960 and became a professor in 1969. The best years of department’s improvement are connected with name of famous scientist, Prof. A.T.Abbasov. Under his direct supervision all conditions had been created for education post graduate doctors and scientific activity of department staff. J.A.Aliyev, V.A.Ali-zadeh, M.G.Aliyev, M.U.Yusifov, E.G.Saricalinskaya had defended master and doctor theses on different problems of oncology. In 1974-1989 years prof. M. J. Akhundova was a director of the department.
During 1990-1993 years Ph.D. A.Kh.Kerimov was leading the department. –Assistant F.A.Zeynalov, assistant J.J.Jamalov, chief laboratory assistant N.M.Amiraliyev carried out scientific research works under supervision of A.Kh.Kerimov.
Since 1994 famous scientist, academician Aliyev Jamil Aziz is a director of the department of Oncology. He is also a director of republic Scientific Oncological Centre. J.A.Aliyev was a chief laboratory assistant at the Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute for Doctors named after A. Aliyev during 1968-1973 years. He had defended his master thesis in 1973 and doctor thesis in 1978. He was awarded with award named after Yusif Mammadaliyev for his services for improvement of medical sciences in Azerbaijan. J.A.Aliyev is a member of Academy of Medical Sciences of Russia and National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. He is a chairman of Medical and Scientific Association of Oncologists of Azerbaijan, chief oncologist of the Ministry of Health, members of European Association of Oncologists, Academy of Natural Sciences of Russia and Academy of Sciences of New-York. He is an author of more than 250 scientific articles published on different scientific journals of the world, including 8 monographs, 20 methodical manuals, inventions and rationalization proposals. Academician J.A.Aliyev created strong school on oncology and developed 40 clinical physicians, supervised more than 30 master and 3 doctor theses within this school. Ander his supervision the department is carrying out scientific research on early diagnostics of breast cancer. During the process of scientific studies the department build close relations with oncological centres in different foreign countries. Scientific research works implemented in the department are directed towards studying of reasons, clinical progress, treatment and prophylactics of cancer. The first objective of the Department of Oncology is to develop highly qualified specialists on oncology also improve knowledge of doctors, independently of their specialization, and oncologists’ on diagnostocs, prophylactics and treatment of oncological diseases. Specialists of the department prof. A.Kh.Kerimov, assistant F.A.Zeynalova, assistant A.Y.Aliyeva, assistant N.A.Ahmedova, aspirant N.Z.Kerimova, chief laboratory assistant A. A. Asgerova and S.A. Seyrangizi carried out important researches on oncological problems under supervision of academician J.A.Aliyev. The department made significant progress in experimental and clinical examination methods of Surgical and drugs treatment of tumors. During this period specialists of the department prepared 10 methodical manuals, more than 80 important scientific articles, which have been published on famous scientific journals in the world. Specialists of the department closely interested with problems of the institute and participate at implementation of educational and scientific works. Annually 40-50 post graduate doctors attend improvement courses on different forms of oncological diseases in the department.
Scientific activity of the department
Specialists of the department are carrying out scientific research work on theme "Evaluation of prognostic factors in patients with breast cancer diagnosis" under supervision of academician J.A.Aliyev.
Executive supervisor: Prof. A.Kh.Kerimov
Executors: M.oS. F.A.Zeynalov, MoS. A.Y.Aliyev, N.A. Ahadova
Chief laboratory assistant: D.A. Allahverdiyev, A.A.Asgerova, S.Seyrangizi
Treatment activity of the department
Modern diagnostics and treatment methods for all localization of malignant neoplasms are being applied at National Oncological Centre which is a basis of the Department of Oncology. Specialists of the department together with employees of National Oncological Centre implement difficult oncological surgeries. Also chemical therapy and radio therapy methods are largely used for treatment of oncological diseases.
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute for Doctors named after Aziz Aliyev had been established in 1936 and situated in basis of clinical hospital #2. In 1945 the department had been moved to clinical hospital #3 in Sabuncu settlement. Now the department is situated in the City Clinical Hospital named after Academician Mirgasimov and there are 160 beds in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. During 1968-1999 years when the department was under the Ministry of Health of the former USSR 3624 doctors improved specializations within the department, 522 of those doctors were from Russia and other former USSR republics. In correspondence with methodical program during a year three months improvement courses on Obstetrics and Gynecology, two months thematic courses and mobile courses on "Clinical obstetrics and perinatology" have been held. Since 1968 year in the department great deal of attention is paid to scientific research works.
The first director of the department was Prof. A.A.Atayev. he graduated the Moscow Medical University in 1924, then worked at the third Moscow University and carried post graduate education in Leipzig University in Germany. In 1945 the department had been moved to clinical hospital #3 in Sabuncu settlement. Since that time Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology became the main basis clinic of ASATAID where worked highly specialized doctors and scientists such as S.Kh.Lambaranskaya, M.M.Seyidova, S.Kh.Aliyeva, K.J.Bagirbeyova, B.A.Ibrahimova, Sh.Kh.Efendiyeva, D.M.Akhundov, S.G.Nazarli, A.G.Huseynov. The department realized scientific research works towards improvement of gynecological service, canned and placental blood transfusion, uterine bleedings study of histological changes in the uterus mucous, women's reproductive function in sources of endemic malaria, etc.
Employees of the department K.Y.Bagirbeyova and A.B.Ibrahimova wrote master theses and made innovations in medical science. S.G.Hasanli defended doctoral thesis on "Influence of sexual hormones for formation, growth and back development of hysteromyomas" in 1957.
Most of employees of the department had defended master theses at those years: A.G.Huseynov (1962), A,K,tagizadeh (1946), T.D.Efendiyeva (1954), Z.A.Ahmedova (1955), Y.K.Akhundov (1957), N.A.Sadikhova (1958), E.N.babayev (1958), Kh.R.Ramazanova (1959), F.K.Anazarova (1962), Y.N.Aleskerova (1963), A.M.Efendiyeva (1963), A.D.Agasiyeva (1965), O.K.Abdullayeva (1965), A.M.Gurova (1965), M.Q.Abdullayeva (1966), D.D.Mirbagirova (1967).
In recent years scientific potential of the department is increased. S.H.İsrafilbeyli, Z.M.Topchubashova, A.D.Mailova-Kasumova, J.N.Babayeva, D.D.Mir-bagirova, A.M.Efendiyeva, F.İ.Salmanov, V.A.Sadiqova, A.M.Asadov accomplished scientific research work on new forms of childbirth services, defended thesis on this theme and became PhD.
Razkuliyev Leyla Musa, director of the department, was born in 1952, studied at the State Medical University of Azerbaijan in 1968-1977 years and started to works as chief laboratory assistant in 1977. She had defended master thesis in 1992 and she is a docent of Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute for Doctors named after Aziz Aliyev since 1995. Leyla Rzakuliyeva is an author of 68 scientific articles. She is a director of the department since 2011.
Scientific works in the department
V.A.Sadiqova, T.A.Asadova, A.B.Gasimova, F.İ.Salmanov, T.B. Kerefova, T.G.Alizadeh, Kh.B.Aliyev, T.Z.Alizadeh, E.B.Aliyeva, Z.İ. İsmayilova, M.S.Kerimov, N.A.Mustafayeva, Kh.T.Seyidova, U.A.Garibov, A.N.Gaziyeva, S.A.Akperbeyova, P.M.Aliyeva, Sh.İ.Aliyeva, T.T. Seyidov, F.F.Babayev, G.S.Mustafazadeh, M.Maykhub və F.Mammadova are specialists of the department who accomplished scientific researches. Employees of the department improve new scientific solutions of problems connected with obstetrics and gynecology and as the result of these scientific works defend master and doctor theses.
Treatment activity of the department
Mainly pregnant women are suffering from major gestosis and extragenital diseases are being treated at the department using chair is being treated using colposcopy, histological examination, ultrasound examination methods.
The Department of Otolaryngology
Department of Otolaryngology of the Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute for Doctors named after A. Aliyev (ASATID) was established in 1945. The department is situated in the otolaryngology department of the Republic Clinical Hospital named after academician Mirkasimov. The main objective of the department is to prepare specialists on otolaryngology, audiology and phonitary, as well as to improve knowledge of professional doctors independently of their specialities (therapists, surges and paediatricians) on diagnostics, treatment of otolaryngological problems. The first director of the department was professor M.D.Kajlayev. R.P.Gurbanli, A.A.Eyvazov, N.M.Agayev, F.S.Faradjova also worked at the department at that period. Besides development of specialists on otolaryngology, actual problems related to ENT oncology, acute and chronic moderate otitis and problems of professional diseases also have been searched and studied in the department and results of these research works have been published. Also treatment of acute and chronic highmoritis, improvement of surgery for treatment of endo-nasal dacrinosistorinostomy have been studied in the department. Prof. M.Y.Polunov was a director of the department from 1964 to 1979 years. Docent F.S.Faradjov, masters S.M.Sultanov, I.A. Aslanov, F.J.Khalilov, O.M.Karimova, Z.A.Salimkhanova worked at the department during that period. Scientific research works have been held mainly in direction of application of physiotherapeutic methods to otolaryngology, improvement of treatment of chronic moderate otitis and chronic tonsillitis. From 1979 to 1989 year prof. N.M.Agayeva worked as a director of the department. Scientific research works about disorders of ENT organs caused by rheumatism and resuscitation measures, treatment of auditory nephritis, allergic disorders of upper respiratory tract have been realized by employees of the department. Results of these research works have been applied to practical medicine. Since 1989 the department is led by prof. N.M.Huseynov. Doctors of philosophy T.A.Ahmadli, A.Z.Efendiyev, V.M.Penahian, R.M.Hashimli have been employed by the department during this period. Leadership of prof. N.M.Huseynov at the department caused improvement of scientific and education activity within the department. Improvement of treatment of acute and chronic highmoritis, chronic moderate otitis, and scientific research works on "impact of chronic renal insufficiency to hearing" and "professional diseases" and a new treatment methods as application of low-frequency ultrasound in otolaryngology have been realized within the department. Subjects of scientific research works realized at the resent years are clinique and diagnostics, treatment and prophylactics of vasomotor rhinitis, studying of condition of hearing nazilator of patients with brain trauma, diabetes and tuberculosis, improvement of treatment of sensoneurotic deafness, aetiology, diagnostic, treatment and prophylactics of chronic rhinosinusitis and chronic diseases of the larynx, improvement of emergency and urgent otolaryngological treatment. Under the leadership of prof. N.M.Huseynov there were developed 1 Doctor of Medicine (A.M.Khudiyev), 8 doctors of philosophy (T.A. Ahmedli, V.M.Panahian, F.A.Gurbanov, R.M.Abu-Yusif, I.T.Alizadeh, Y.M.Asadi, N.F.Mehdizadeh, H.M. Rustamova) within the department. 2 inventions, 5 rationalization proposals, 17 recommendation guidelines and 220 scientific articles have been prepared and published by specialists of the department. Today specialists, who were employees of the Department of Otolaryngology, work at big institutions and universities of the Republic. For example, the Professor A. Eyvazov works at Medical Rehabilitation Scientific Research Institutions, professor Z. Cafarov, docent G.Mustafayev. N.Shikhlinskiy are working at the of the Department of Otolaryngology of the Medical University, Doctor Philosophy G.Novruzov works as a chief of department in Ganja city, F.Gurbanov is a chief of department at the Central Hospital of oil-industry workers, F.Gurbanov is a chief of department at the hospital of MIA and it shows the great role of the Department in improvement of scientific and medical reserves of our Republic.
R.M.Abu-Yusif established a private clinique in Jordan. During these years 5 Doctors of Medicine (N.Kh.Agayeva, A.A.Eyvazov, N.M.huseynov, A.M.Khudiyev, V.M.Panahian), 23 Maters of Medicine are prepared in the department. Defendings of scientific works have been realized in Baku, St. Petersburg and Moscow. Education-pedagogical processes of the department are also in progress. Annually in overage 60 doctors attend improvement courses within the department. Totally 3000 otolaryngologists have attended these courses till now. Now the thematic courses on different important problems of otolaryngology are active in the Department. These courses cavers all specialists from districts and towns of the Republic.
Department of stomatology and maxillofacial
About the department
Taking into account need for development and improvement of stomatologists – surgeons, operative stomatology courses had been established within the department of Stomatology in 1974 and docent R.M.Hasanaliyev was the leader of courses. The first basis for the courses was the room with 20 beds in the Traumatology Department of Republic Clinical Hospital named after academician M.A.Mirgasimov. In 1980 the clinical basis of the course was Operative Stomatology Department of Republic Clinical Hospital named after academician M.A.Mirgasimov and polyclinic basis was the surgery department of Stomatology Centre.
In 1961 stomatology courses had been organized within the General Surgery department of Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute for Doctors named after A. Aliyev. Prof. K.G. Aliyev, director of the general surgery department, plaid big role in establishment of stomatology courses and direction of its future activity. The first leader of stomatology courses was doctor Aliaga Abbas Ahmedov. From the first day of establishment of stomatology courses A.A.Ahmedov carried out improvement and training of highly qualified stomatologists in our republic. A.A.Ahmedov was appointed as docent to Surgery Department in 1962 and director of the Department of Stomatology in 1964. During 3 years when he was a director of the Department of Stomatology he had carried out training and improvement of more than 60 stomatologists not only in our republic, and also all over the former USSR. Prof. A.A.Ahmedov had successfully achieved supplement of the department with basis and modern medical equipment, attracting young professionals to courses. All these steps were very important for enlargement of teaching staff and carrying out of scientific researches on stomatology.
In 1968 docent O.R.Mammadov began to lead the Stomatology department. Till 1989 he was a director of the department and during this period he could achieve qualification and training of stomatologists, improvement of pedagogical process and treatment-prophylactic works. For increasing of level of personnel training mms R.M.Hasanli and mms O.S.Seyidbeyov have been accepted to the department. During those years, specialists of the department worked towards the problem of "professional diseases of teeth and mucosa of the oral cavity among workers of some enterprises in Azerbaijan ". For implementation of this task close relations with some industrial enterprises had been achieved. As the result of scientific research activity under supervision of O. R. Mammadov six master theses on professional pathology have been defended. Enlargement of clinical basis of operative stomatology department and fully independently performing of the department was very important. For this reason the management of the ASATID decided to enlarge basis of the department, increase staff and attracting of qualified specialists to the department. One of important aspects of the department’s performance is polyclinics and treatment at stationary: periodical control over patients, consultations, discussions, operative interventions, etc. Employees of the department implement diagnostics and treatment of patients with difficult cases in clinical basis. The main attention is directed towards results and the shortest period of effective treatment. It may be achieved only by correct organization of treatment and application of effective treatment methods. Specialists of the department use modern medical equipment for diagnostics in daily practice. Today operative stomatologists and surgeons successfully implement surgeons, make consultations at different health care institutions of our republic. During mobile courses held in regions they organize clinical conferences with participation of practical doctors and carry out treatment of patients in places. Multyprofile activity of specialists of the department helps to increase efficiency of work of qualified stomatologists. Since the date of establishment, performance of the department of Stomatology became better and better and its treatment, education and scientific activity improved day by day. Selecting of new forms of education the department of Stomatology adheres to the following principles: by increasing qualification of doctors reducing the duration of the courses to adapt them to the thematic courses. Optimizing post graduate education depends on improvement of lectures red at general and thematic courses. Education process of the department of stomatology has been organized in such form that, post graduate doctors can achieve high level of basic knowledge on stomatology at the shortest period. Modern technical devices are being largely used during trainings of the department of stomatology. During last 5 years the department of stomatology organized 50 eneral and thematic improvement courses. More than 600 doctors from different regions of the republic attended these courses.
In October, 1980 docent Seyibbeyov Oktay Sadikh became a director of the Department of Operative Stomatology. The clinical basis of the department was established in Operative Stomatology Department of Republic Clinical Hospital named after academician M.A.Mirgasimov and polyclinic basis was the surgery department of Stomatology Centre. During the period of his leadership the Department of Operative Stomatology spent to the second stage of its improvement and the department got a special program for fulfilment of reporting and controlling of implemented works on treatment and education process, planning of works related to improvement perspectives and selection of methods for implementation of them. With initiative of prof. O.S.Seyidbeyov in 1984 the department started to develop (improve) doctors- orthopaedist - stomatologists within the course of operative stomatology. Employees of the course - Z.I.garayev, I.B.Sadikhov and R.K.Aliyeva trained doctors creating close relations with different health care units of the republic and achieved big successes on solution of problems of operative and orthopaedic stomatology. For coordination of performance of all stomatology courses (operative, therapeutic and orthopaedic) in 1989 united Department of Stomatology had been established and prof. O.S.Seyidbeyov became a director of the department. However, system of stomatology enterprise that meets modern requirements is formed in the republic, number of stomatologists who wants to improve qualification increases every day. Employees of the department built close scientific cooperation with local and foreign colleagues to keep up to date problems of stomatologists, to learn modern testing methods and treat patients according to modern techniques.
Scientific activity of the department
Taking into account that condition and level of scientific works in the Department of Stomatology also determines quality of education, great attention was paid to increase directions and profiles of scientific works in the department together with increasing of their quantity. Achieved results expand knowledge pathophysiological changes in patients’ organisms that occur during maxillofacial acute inflammatory processes, allow to assess the patient's condition more objective and prognosis of inflammatory process. And last is requires taking into consideration pathological changes determined during implementation of complex treatment and prevention of complications. One doctor (O.S.Seyidbeyov) and one master (R.K.Aliyeva) thesis have been defended on the given topic. During last several years 6 master theses have been defended under supervision of prof. O.S.Seyidbeyov (H.A.Asadov, A.R.Agazadeh, F.Mammadov, R.Soltanov, R.M.Garayev, R.G.Abishov). These dissertations have been devoted on actual problems of therapeutic and operative stomatology and three of them have been prepared by specialists of the department. Results of scientific research works of the department are attracted on more than 100 scientific articles. Besides it specialists of the department are authors of 2 monographs, 20 methodical manuals, 2 patents, etc. Currently main scientific activity of the department directed towards "Accurate diagnosis of maxillofacial anomalies and defects and improvement of techniques of reconstructive surgery". 2 doctor and 1 master thesis on this topic are being prepared in the department. Doctor thesis of docent M.M.Aliyev on "Clinic, diagnosis and treatment of oral cavity diseases during acute poisoning cases" is developed and has been introduced for defending. Besides it aspirants of the department work on theses on topics "Treatment and prophylactics of temple-jaw joint pathology in psoriasis", "clinical microbiological and immunological parallels during appearance of the intestinal dysbacteriosis at the mouth mucosa", "Clinics, diagnosis and treatment principles of allergic stomatitis".
Treatment activity of the department
All specialists of the department take an active part at treatment activity of health care facilities established within the department. Prof. Seyidbeyov holds consultations of patients and doctors in Clinical Hospital every day. Docents and assistants of the department carry out examination and diagnostics of patients with participation of doctors attending trainings. They prepare reports every month about treatment works they carried out.
Department of Haematology
Department of Haematology of the Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute for Doctors named after A. Aliyev was established in 1967. The department performs in the haematology department of the Republic Clinical Hospital named after academician Mirkasimov. The main objective of the department is to prepare specialised haematologists and transfusiologists. Also, to improve knowledge of all doctors working in all spheres of practical medicine (therapists, surgeons, gynecologists, pediatricians, laboratory doctors), independently from their specialities, on diagnostics of haematological diseases, their treatment, also transfusiology and coagulology problems. Starting from the date of establishment till 1988 year prof. H.M.Abdullayev was a director of the department. different scientific researches of actual problems such as treatment of hereditary haematology diseases, haemophilia, haemoglobinopathy and other haematological diseases by means of surgery was held under the leadership of prof. Abdullayev. Collecting results of his scientific research works done during long years, prof. Abdullayev wrote and published a big and fundamental monograph on haematology in 1973. This book was a single monograph on hematological problems, published in the former Soviet Union and even today is handbook for most of doctors. 1 doctoral thesis, 11 master thesis was defended, 1 monograph, 9 methodical materials, more than 200 scientific articles have been published with the leadership of prof. Abdullayev. Professor Z.I.Efendiyev was a director of the department during 1988-1990 years. He worked as professor at the department from the establishment date of the department till 2002 year. The main part of scientific activity of Professor Z.I.Efendiyev consist of solution of haemophilia and hemoconcentration problems. With his initiative there was established a center for education of children with hemophilia in 1974 and it was the first case in the former USSR. Spreading of haemophilia, definition of "inbred" population, "dreffing" of gene of hemophilia in the territory of Azerbaijan was determined by Professor Z.I.Efendiyev for the first time. 8 master theses were defended under leadership of Professor Z.I.Efendiyev. He is an author of more than 120 scientific articles, 1 monograph, 8 methodical education materials. Most of these materials have been published in journals of USA, France, Turkey and former USSR. Results of his scientific research works were discussed at more than 15 international conferences and seminars. Doc. Gadimova Elmira, master of medical sciences, awarded with "Medal for Progress", is a director of the department since 1990. Besides the education process, doc. Gadimova E. leads planning and implementation of scientific research works in the department. Especially in sphere of treatment of thalassemia, which is widespread in our county, by means of surgery, contra-indications, hema-transfusion of patients before and after surgery and tactics of other therapeutically treatments have been studied by Doc. Gadimova Elmira. She is also a director Scientific-Practical Haemophilia Centre of the Republic and is a chairman of New Azerbaijan Party branch of the Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute for Doctors named after A. Aliyev since2000 year. Generalizing her scientific research works Doc. Gadimova prepared and published a monograph with name " Treatment of patients with thalassemia using splenectomy" and defended the doctoral thesis in 1996. She is an author of more than 120 scientific articles, 15 educative materials, 1 monograph and 2 education manuals most of which have been published on local and foreign scientific journals. Doc. Gadimova has participated in different symposiums, conferences, seminars held in Russia, Germany, Canada, Turkey, Hungary, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Greece and other foreign countries. She made speeches and presentations about haemophilia problems in Azerbaijan, the ways for solution of them. Currently two resident doctors are performing scientific and practical work on haematology within the department.
Department of Nephrology
About the department
The Department of Nephrology of the Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute for Doctors named after A. Aliyev (ASATID) was established in 1983. The department performs at the Department of Nephrology of the Clinical Hospital named after academician M.Mir-Kasimov. Main goal of the department is to develop qualified specialists on nephrology and improvement of doctors (therapist, surgery, ginecologist, pediatrician, laboratory assistant) for diagnostics, therapy, pulse-therapy and plasmapheresis.
The first director of the Department was Prof.Fikret Huseynov. Prof. F.H. Huseynov was also pro-rector of the Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute for Doctors named after A. Aliyev. The Department of Nephrology was the second after Advanced Training Institute of the former USSR. The department performs the role of scientific-methodical centre in the republic since its establishment date. Since 1983 thousands of doctors improved their qualification at thematic improvement and qualification courses within the department. Employees of the department implement diagnostics of severe patients in regions of the Republic.
Since 1995 docent Serdarli Fuad Zulfugar is a director of the department. During this period the department enlarged its scientific-pedagogical activity. Docent Serdarli Fuad Zulfugar is also a director of Republic Nephrological Centre. He is a supervisor of two master theses and he defended doctor’s thesis on "Gouty Nephropathy" in 2005. He studied kidney damages of patients with gouty, ethology, pathogenesis and treatment of gouty nephropathy and prepared monograph in this theme. He is an author of more than 80 scientific works and supervisor of scientific-pedagogical and treatment activity of the department. His scientific articles have been published in foreign countries. Currently two master theses are being prepared under his supervision.
Scientific activity of the department
Scientific activity of the department is directed towards problems of Gouty Nephropathy. Currently scientific works are being developed on this problem:
1. "Study of spreading and ethno-pathogenesis, diagnostics of gouty nephropathy, improvement of its treatment and prophylactics."
2. "Specification and assessment of treatment methods of gouty nephropathy".
Supervisor: director of the department Serdarli F.Z.
3. "Nephrolithiasis"
Supervisor: director of the department Serdarli F.Z., executor: Guliyev Z.
4. "Diabetic nephropathy"
Supervisor: director of the department Serdarli F.Z., executor: Eminbeyli Kh.R.
Treatment activity of the department
Director of the department docent Serdarli F.Z. is also a director of the republic Nephrological Centre. Employees also are busy with treatment of patients suffering of nephrological diseases. Nephrological Centre is situated within the department of nephrology and hemodialysis of the Republic Clinical Hospital named after academician Mir-Kasimov. Scientific research works and diagnostics and treatment of patients with nephrological diseases are being implemented by employees of the centre. Besides it, employees of the department realize consultations at cardiology, haematology, reanimation, otolaryngology, neurology, endocrinology and gynaecology departments of the RCH. Employees of the Department of Nephrology closely cooperate with post graduate academy of the Russian Federation and discuss difficult cases with them.
Department of Urology
Department of Ophthalmology
Department of Ophthalmology of the Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute for Doctors named after A. Aliyev (ASATID) wasestablished in 1935. The department plaid great role for improvement of ophthalmology in our Republic. Scientific Research Institute of Ophthalmology which was established in 1946 became the clinical, education and practical basis for the department till 1966. Since 1966 year Ophthalmological Department of the Clinical Hospital named after academician Mirkasimov became the basis for the Department of Ophthalmology of ASATID.
The first director of the Department was Prof. Y.K.Varshavskiy (1935-1937). Then prof. S.I.Velikhan (1939-1971), U.N.Samedova (1971-1982). Academician Z.Aliyeva (1982-1985), Prof. M.Y.Sultanov (1985-1996), Prof. Jarullazadeh (1996-2000), Prof. N.S.Tgizadeh (2000-2004) had lead the department. Now Ph.D. E.M. Gasimov is a director of the department. Also, professor R.V.Hajiyev, docents K.G.Tagibeyov, N.F.Gurbanova, assistants N.M.Hajiyeva, V.A.Aslanova, P.V.Musabeyov, 8 chief laboratory assistants work at the department.
Professor S.I.Velikhan is a first woman professor in Azerbaijan. She graduated Medical Institute for Women in St. Petersburg and defended doctoral thesis in 1928. She was a director of the Department of Ophthalmology of ASATID during 32 years (1939-1971), held scientific resarch works at the Scientific Research Institute of Ophthalmology and worked as deputy director on scientific works of the institute. Being a director of Department of Ophthalmology of the former Clinical Institute she had established a department for treatment of trachoma. Professor Velikhan was an author of 61 scientific works, supervisor of 4 doctoral (Prof. K.Ganboy, Prof. L.S.Slyuski, Prof. S.Kh.Akhundova-Bagirbeyova, Prof. U.N.Samedova) and 16 master theses. Scientific activity of Professor Velikhan had been highly appreciated and she had been awarded with several orders and medals.
Professor S.Kh.Akhundova-Bagiebeyova started to work at the department in 1946 as an assistant. Then she became a docent and since 1954 she was a professor, defended master thesis in 1949 and doctoral thesis in 1954. She actively participated at establishment of Scientific Research Institute of Ophthalmology. She is an author of several scientific works and supervisor of 2 doctoral and 12 master theses on ophthalmology. She had also been awarded with different orders and medals. Professor S.Kh.Akhundova-Bagiebeyova had been elected to Parliament of the former USSR.
Professor U.N.Samedova is an author of several scientific works on diagnostics of glaucoma. Her biggest work was studying "professional pathology problems of eyes".
The most famous ophthalmologist of Azerbaijan is academician Zarifa Aliyeva. She is an establisher of Industrial Ophthalmology in Azerbaijan, member of National Academy of Sciences, honored scientist of the Republic, professor and well known scientist. Laboratory for studying of problems related with professional pathology and physiology of eyes in 1979. Academician Z.Aliyeva together with other famous scientists of former USSR (Acad. A.P.Nesterov, Prof. N.B.Shulpina, Prof. Z.M.Skripnichenko, L.K. Mashetova, Prof. U.S.Veltkhover, Prof. M.G.Margolis, Prof. M.Y.Sultanov and others) is an author of 18 monograhps including "Therapeutical ophthalmology", "Professional pathology problems of eyes", "Iridodoagnostics", "Eye disease in diabetes", "Visually's tuberculosis", etc. 140 scientific articles of academician Z.Aliyeva had been published. She is co-author of 1 intervention and supervisor of 4 master theses. Doctor Z.Aliyeva was a member of Committee of Global Protection, society of "Knowledge", Presidium of USSR Society of Ophthalmologists, and editorial board of journal "Innovations in Ophthalmology".
Professor M.Y.Sulatnov had done great deal of work for development of "darkriology" in Azerbaijan. Professor M.Y.Sulatnov is an author of 186 scientific articles and eight inventions, supervisor of 2 doctoral and 4 master theses. He had written three monographs together with academician Z.Aliyeva.
Professor Ch.J.Jarulla-zadeh had studied possibility of application of silicone implants and devices at reconstructive ophthalmological surgery. He is co-author of 20 inventions, supervisor of three master theses.
Prof. N.S.Tagizadeh was a director of the department and deputy rector of the Scientific Research Institute of Ophthalmology for scientific works. He was an author of 48 scientific articles, co-author of 7 inventions, supervisor of 2 master theses.
Now employees of the department conduct interesting scientific research works for in-depth study and surgical treatment of glaucoma and cataract, the study of the problems connected with the transfer of cornea, oculoplastics and reconstructive surgery, professional diseases of eye, diabetic retinopathy, cornea diseases. At present the factors that cause glaucoma, vascular changes in eye, as well as questions related to infectious diseases of eye, oculoplastics reconstructive surgery of children and adults is being intensively studied.
7 PhDs, 12 master of sciences, 27 clinical attending physician have been developed within the department. Most of them are working at different hospitals and health care facilities of the Republic. More than 30 monographs, 20 methodical manuals about different branches of ophthalmology had been written by specialists of the department. The biggest attention in the department is paid to education process. Post graduate education intends improvement of specialization and qualification and as the result of such education doctors-ophthalmologists are being available to provide high quality health-care services to ophthalmological patients. 1050 attestation test have been developed by specialists of the department and National Ophthalmological Centre named after Zarifa Aliyeva and approved by the Ministry of Health. There are highly qualified pedagogues and all facilities for education of all branches of ophthalmology. At the beginning of each course we test knowledge of post graduate students - doctors. Education process is divided to specialization, general and thematic courses, such as "Ophthalmology", "Actual questions of ophthalmology", "Diagnostics and therapy of ophthalmological diseases", "Glaucoma", etc. National Ophthalmological Centre named after Zarifa Aliyeva is an educative base of the department. The department developed more than 5000 ophthalmologists from different republics of former USSR and regions of Azerbaijan such as Baki, Sungayit, Ganja, etc. development of pedagogical staff, improvement of education process, conducting of scientific researches depends on international cooperation of the department. The department uses experience of famous and leading institutions and scientific centres of Russia, Turkey, USA and other foreign countries. Today the department uses all of its force for development of qualified professional ophthalmologists.
Department of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation
About the department
Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimatology of the Azerbaijan State Doctors Improvement Institute named after Aziz Aliyev founded in 1984 on the basis of the Postgraduate Improvement Course of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation. This Course functioned since 1967 and headed by Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine, docent A.G.Akhundov. Since 1984 until 2000, the Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimatology headed by Doctor of Medicine, Professor S.N.Lynev. At the present time, the department is located on the clinical bases of the Republican Clinical Hospital named after academician M.A.Mirkasimov and Republican Urological Clinic named after academician M.J.Javad-zade. From 2000 until the present time the chief of Department Anesthesiology and Reanimatology is Doctor of Medicine, Professor K.N.Hacimuradov.
At the Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimatology, the following forms of postgraduate education done: 1) different types of improvement courses 2) retraining courses 3) doctorate 4) preparation of dissertators 5) residency. Training period of common improvement courses is 4 weeks; thematic improvement courses – 2 weeks; retraining courses – 2 month; duration of residency – 3 years.
At the present time, employees of the Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimatology are: Doctor of Medicine, docent R.I.Nasirova; Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine, docent A.V.Kadyrov; Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine, assistant I.G.Guliyev.
Planned at the Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimatology for the period 2010-2015, the topic of scientific research is "Optimization methods for anesthesia and intensive care and prevention of complications in patients with impaired respiratory function and blood circulation". During the whole period of Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimatology were prepared 3 Doctors of Medicine, 12 Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine, published about 400 scientific papers, 3 monographs, 4 textbooks, more than 20 guidelines, protected by 5 patents and over 20 efficiency proposals.
Since 2001 at the Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimatology started to work the Postgraduate Improvement Course for Emergency Physicians. At the present time, clinical base of this Course is Learning Center of Emergency Station of Baku. The Postgraduate Improvement Course for Emergency Physicians teachers by: Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine, docent, F.D.Tagi-zade; I.S.Aliyeva; T.A.Asadova and A.H.Huseynov. Training period of common improvement courses for Emergency Physicians is 4 weeks; thematic improvement courses – 2 weeks.
Scientific activity of the department
The department of anesthesiology and resuscitation carried out scientific works on issues such as anaesthesia and intensive therapy during surgeries on thoracic organs, intensive therapy during sepsis and endotoxicosis, hieratic anesthesiology, general, comparative study of regional and joint methods of anesthesia, development of methods to prevent complications. Methods of prevention of complications at puncture of epidural site, modification of P.C.Lund testing method, method of safe anesthesia and other methods developed by specialists of the department are being widely applied. 8 master theses, 2 doctor theses have been defended and 2 monographs, 4 text books, 10methodic manuals and more than 200 scientific articles have been prepared and published by employees of the department. Recently the following courses are organized within the department: Emergent Medical Aid Service, medical aid in emergency situations, selected questions on first aid before hospitalization, First Aid. 7 courses are being organized annually.
Programs on "First Medical Aid" for students, policemen, firefighters, housewives and other people without medical education also have been prepared by the department. Intensive therapy team, mobile team, also doctors act as trainers at such courses. About 500 doctors attended emergent medical aid courses till now.
Treatment activity of the department
Treatment work had been carried out on basis of departments of anesthesiology and resuscitation, resuscitation and intensive therapy.
Department of Radiation Diagnostics
About the department
Department of Radiodiagnostics was established on basis of course of rontgenology in 1950 and its first director was I.I.Shakov. Docent K.V.Polatkhanova was elected as a director in 1967-1972 years, and Prof. A.A.Alekperbeyov in 1972-2011. Post graduate doctor had been educated at the rontgenology courses within the department in 1936-1945 years. Education period was 10 months. Only 30 doctors had been educated in those courses during 10 years. Supervisor of rontgenology courses was docent A.A.Shtuss. The first basis of courses was Clinical Hospital in Sabunchu settlement. Later in 1950-1962 years the department was situated at the Institute of Rontgen and Radiology and in 1962 had been moved to Clinical Hospital named after academician Mir-Kasimov. The first employees of the department were K.V.Polatkhanova, Z.C.Murtuzayeva (also the first aspirant), R.K. Safaraliyev. A.A.Akperbeyov, Z.Z.Ramazanova, Kh.A.Musayeva, G.A.Alizadeh, T.A.Hasanova, S.A.Mirzamammadov, S.S.Manafov and T.O.rahimova came to the department in 1962-1990 years. F.C.Nasirova became an assistant of the department in 1998 and in 2008 she became a docent.
Courses on endoscopy have been established within the department of Rontgenology of ASATID named after A.Aliyev in 1991. Courses had been established by chief specialist on endoscopy of the Ministry of Health O. Shiraliyev. Decision for establishment of Department of Endoscopy and Radiodiagnostics on basis of those courses had been made in 1999. Beside endoscopy, one of objectives of newly established department was solution of problems related with development of specialists for ultrasound diagnostics which was improving during 90s years of last century. Departments of Rontgenology and Department of Endoscopy and Radiodiagnostics jointed in 2009 and called the Department of Radiodiagnostics. Post graduate doctors study modern diagnostics methods (rontgenology, ultrasound diagnostics, computer tomography, radionuclide diagnostics and MRT) during general improvement courses. Currently docent Farida Nasirova, assistants Mugabil Mursalov and Arzu Nuriyeva, chief laboratory assistants Ilgar Mammadov, Fidan Sardarli and Farah Bagirzadeh, laboratory assistants Gulyaz Ismaylova, Ofeliya Ahmedova and Sabina Movsumova work at the department. Prof. A.A.Akberbeyov, m.m.s. G.A.Alizadeh, docent S.D.Vatankha (The National Oncology Centre), m.m.s. Y.T.Efendiyev (Clinics named after N.Tusi), F.H.Orudjova, E.M.tahmazova, S.T.Rasulova and Sh.T.Aliyev (RCH) work as temporary teachers at the Department.
Ph.D. Nasirova Farida Jahangir graduated Azerbaijan Medical University in 1988. In 1989 started working as radiologist doctor at the Republic Diagnostical Centre and attended improvement courses on radiology at Advanced Training Institute in Moscow. Later she attended qualification courses in other foreign countries and defended master thesis in 1995. Works at ASATID since 1998 as an assistant and since 2007 she is a docent. Since 2009 the department is called the Department of Radiodiagnostics. During recent years she attended global scientific conferences held in Baku, Munich, Ulan-Bator and Singapore. She is an author of nearly 40 scientific works published in local and foreign journals, 6 articles written in English and 3 methodical manuals. Since 2011 she is an executing director of the department.
Scientific activity of the department
The department realizes scientific works in several directions: 1) Spreading of arterial hypertension and metabolic dysfunctions among 20-59 years old EDPs allocated in Sumgayit. Executor - M.M. Mürsəlov
2) Pregnancy pathologies during first three months. Executor - A.A. Nuriyeva
3) Ultrasound diagnostics, rontgenology, radionuclide diagnostics for patients with hyperurichemy. Executor - F.F.Serdarli.
Treatment activity of the department
A new rontgenology and radiodiagnostics laboratory is established within the department, which allows diagnostics of skull, chest and abdominal organs, as well as to allow examination of joints and bones.
Examination of liver, gall bladder, kidney, bladder, pancreas and prostate glands in correspondence with requirements of modern standards are being realized in ultrasound examination laboratory. Methodical advices and manuals have been developed and prepared for improvement of lessons for post graduators. Docent F.C. Nasirova and other specialists of the department continue scientific works on examination of abdominal organs and cardiological diseases and bone diseases.
The Department of Traumatology and Orthopedy
About the department
The Department of Traumatology and Orthopaedics was established by active participation of prof. Agakhan Rustem Talishinskiy in 1939. The clinical basis of the department was situated in Baku City Hospital #1. Assistants of the department were B.Y. Frankinberg and S.F.Refibeyli. The department had close cooperative relations with other clinics of the former USSR and these relations determined direction of its scientific activity. Skeletal stretching system, artroplastics of the large joints, correction both congenital and poliomyelitis deformity have been widely used in practice. Original surgery methods tested in the department became very popular. A.R. Talishinskiy wrote the first text book "Traumatology-Orthopedy" (1939) for students of the Azerbaijan State Medical University in Azeri language.
The department carried out big practical treatment works during the II World War. On basis of the department courses on military field surgery had been organized. After the war the department had been established in Baku City Hospital #3, then in Scientific-Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedy, then in Traumatology department of Republic Clinical Hospital and at last on basis of ASAITD Clinic. The role of prof. R.R.Talishinskiy in establishment and opening of Baku SRI was great. Later this institute became the Scientific-Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedy. In 1975 prof. R.R.Talishinskiy became a director of the department. Other directors of the department were Prof. S.M.Hajigasimov (1944-1952), D.H.lemberanskiy (1952-1958), docent A.K.Behbudov (1958-1963), docent A.A.Talishinskiy (1964-1974), prof. R.R. Talishinskiy (1975-1989), docent D.M.Aliyev (1989-1990), assistant D.Kh.Tapdigli (1990-1991), prof. E.Sh.Abbasov (1991-1994). Scientific activity of the department is very large. It is characterized by in-depth exploration of methods on osteosynthesis of diafizar, internal and juxta-articular fractures. Joint-pins of Lemberanskiy, polymer joints of Lemberanskiy and Aliyev, moist heat boards of A.A.Talishinskiy have been applied in all hospitals of former USSR. 5 doctors and 16 master theses had been prepared within the department. 1 master and 1 doctor thesis is being prepared for defending.
Since 1994 Ph.D. Docent Samed-zadeh Rasim Musa is a director of the department. He had defended master thesis in Saint-Petersburg in 1987 on theme "Complex treatment of patients with impaired consolidation of long bones using electric fields". Docent Samed-zadeh is an author of about 120 scientific works, 3 methodical manuals, 5 patents.
Scientific activity of the department
Improvement of results of treatment of musculoskeletal, after many injures, development of tactical questions during evacuation period. At the moment scientific researches on improvement of constructions and osteocytes methods for prophylactics of complicated fractures are being conducted at the department. There are methodical manuals on application of proposed methods and facilities.
Treatment activity of the department
Since 1994 the department is situated on basis on Baku City Hospital #3. There are traumatology, orthopedy and children's service and traumatology centre with capacity to help 60 patients every day. Annually orthopedists, traumatologists and surgeons hold post graduate education period here. Profile of the department is connected with treatment of musculoskeletal, after many injures. Arthroscopy, tomography, rontgenology, Ultra Sound Diagnostics, also both operative and conservative treatment methods are being used. Mainly operative treatment methods are preferable.
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Welcome to website of one of the biggest higher medical institutes of Azerbaijan and Former Soviet Union!
Our institute successfully provides development of national healthcare and higher medical personnel, development and improvement of qualifications of doctors for 80 years. The institute aims to increase awareness of medical education of doctors, their obtaining of new achievements of fundamental medicine and obtaining application of modern methods of diagnostics in clinical practice. These are integral attributes of developing modern medicine of the XXI century. Professor V.A.Tarnogradskiy, M.M.Efendiyev and B.A.Agayev were the first rectors of the institute. Academician Aziz Aliyev played great role for revival of our institute. The institute named after him since 1962 year according to resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers based on request of institute’s staff. Talented and highly qualified medical personnel, including M.Mammadov, M.X. Yagubov, S.M. Gusman, I.I.Lukov, S.G.Stain, N.M. Israfilova, P.P. Popov, S.İ.Velikhan, etc. was established in Azerbaijan during these years.