The Department of Social Hygiene and Public Health Organization
About the department
The Department of Social Hygiene and Public Health Organization of the Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute for Doctors named after A. Aliyev (ASATID) was established in 1949 by M.A.Inrahimov who was its director till his death in 1979. From 1979 till 2008 the hygiene courses of the institute had been included to the department. Since 1979 the director of the department is prof. F.B.Agayev. Staff of the department consists of director of the department, docents (2 person), chief teachers (2 persons), assistants and teachers (2 persons), and laboratory assistants. The department deals with improvement of knowledge and qualification of doctors, doctors-statists and methodologists, specialists on hygiene. Scientific works carried out by the department are about "history of health care system in Azerbaijan", "labor, children and environmental hygiene", "dynamics of health", "ecological condition" and "sanitary ecological monitoring" problems.
Doctor of Medicine, Professor and a member of International Academy of Ecological Sciences Agayev Fazil was born in Lerik region of the Azerbaijan Republic, studied in Azerbaijan State Medical University in 1964-1970 years. After graduation he served as military doctor during 1970-1972 years. In 1974 he entered to postgraduate school of medical education within the scientific research institute named after M.Efendizadeh and in 1977 had defended master thesis in Institute of Labor Hygiene and Professional Diseases of Academy of Medical Sciences of the former USSR and became a master of medical sciences. Till 1978 he worked as a senior researcher at the same institute and from 1978 till 1979 worked as deputy of senior doctor of the Hospital #1 in Sumgayit city. Since 1979 prof. Efendizadeh is a director of the Department of Social Hygiene and Public Health Organization of the Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute for Doctors named after A. Aliyev.
During this period main topic of his scientific activity was "Protection of mothers and children". In 1988 prof. Efendizadeh had defended doctor thesis on "Social-hygienic problems of perinatology" Central Post Graduate Training Institute for Doctors of USSR. In 1990 he became a professor of the department of Social Hygiene and Public Health Organization. Different master and doctor dissertation under supervision of prof. Efendizadeh had been prepared and defended.
After 1991 year prof. Efendizadeh continued his scientific activity towards priorities of mother and child health problems. 9 master dissertations on this topic had been prepared and defended within the institute. Another direction of his scientific activity is perspective planning of health care system and principles of scientific substantiation of medical facilities network within the republic. Three doctor thesis in this topic should be especially noticed: "medical and social basis for allocation of network of treatment-prophylactics facilities among villages of Azerbaijan"; "Scientific basis for establishment of ambulatory-polyclinics and stationary health care facilities on regional and zonal levels"; "Modern principles for establishment of networks of physiotherapy branch of reconstructive health care system".
In his scientific works prof. Efendizadeh underlines studying of health condition of different social levels of population and risk factors affecting it. Health condition of employees of pedagogical sphere, enterprises producing superphosphate and air conditioners, sailors, oil industry workers and other industrial specialists had been deeply studied and as the result of those studies master and doctor theses had been developed and defended. They are: "Scientific assessment of integral prophylactics of Pathologies of the blood circulatory among teachers", "Specifications of medical-demographic condition in villages of Azerbaijan and ways for health care reforms". "Reasons of child death, risk factors and methods of prophylactics", "early death cases", etc. Totally 9 doctor and 52 master dissertations have been prepared with supervision of prof. Efendizadeh.
Scientific activity of the department
Main directions of scientific works are protection of mothers and children (9 dissertations), health condition of population and ways of its improvement (7 dissertations), work conditions and helath (5 dissertations), health care and marketing (5 dissertations).
The department of phthisiology
About the department
The department of phthisiology of the Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute for Doctors named after A. Aliyev (ASATID) is situated in Central Dispensary Against Tuberculosis #1 and performs in 5 rooms: room of department director, auditory and 3 cabinets of doctors. The department saves archive roentgen films of different lung and bronchus diseases and use these roentgen films as education materials for post graduate students. The department was established in 1946. Before establishment of the department there were courses on tuberculosis within the ASATID in 1935. Since 1938 the course performed within the department of therapy and in 1944 it became independent. During the first years the course carried out improvement trainings for phthisiologists, also training for therapists, infectionists and health care facilities within Scientific Research Institute of Tuberculosis and Central Tuberculosis Dispensary. In different periods docents M.M. Aliyev, O.İ. Blinova, N.G. Tahirbeyova, H.M. Mukhtarova, assistants Y.A. Aliyev, R.M. Stepanov, F.Sh. Guliyev, M.E. Asadov, R.İ. Mammadov, V.F. Tsım, Q.A. Jalilova, F.A. Mammadyarova worked at the department. In 1969 F.M İsmayılov was a director of the department. He did great work for improvement of education process and increasing of quality of scientific works. As the result of his attempts phtisio-surgery branch had been established within the department. From 1977 till 1986 prof. Sh.P. Topchiyed led the department. He was well known scientist and practiced phtisiologist and together with his assistants A.L.Tagiyeva, V.A.Polyanskiy, S.T.Sharinskiy, N.A.Starova they improved department’s activity and carried out the following trainings:
1. Specialization on phthisiology
2. General improvement on phthisiology
3. Tuberculosis of respiratory tract in childhood and teenagers and its differential diagnostics
4. Early diagnostics and prophylactics of early forms of tuberculosis of children and teenagers
5. Phthisio-pulmonology
Cycles of trainings are constantly updated. Besides it additional thematic trainings also had been conducted in regions. Such training cycles have been required by needs of regional health care facilities.
Department of phthisiology periodically organizes bilateral trainings with departments of therapy and pediatry. Modern methods of training are being used in the department and programmed trainings are being implemented. Teat programs on different forms of tuberculosis, also its diagnostics and treatment are being used. However cases of lung tuberculosis during the recent years decreased, drug-resistant forms of tuberculosis remains a special weight among patients. So progressing increase of poly-resistant forms of tuberculosis are seen not only among chronic patients and also among patients who faced with this disease for the first time. It should be noticed that, great attention of individual scientific work of post graduate students is paid in the department. Assessment of achieved knowledge is realized in periodically held conferences. Besides it, seminars held in the department help to study topics more deeply: workshops, discussions, clinical review seminars, discussion of tests results. Taking into consideration the recent situation, the department actively implements thematic trainings for health care doctors. Director of the department docent E.N.Mammadbeyov occupies this post since 1987. Now Ph.D. Y.Sh.Shikhaliyev and senior scientist L.H.Kazimova work at the department. Specialists of the department keep close relations with scientific research institute of Russia, Turkey and Kazakhstan. With supervision of E.N.Mammadbeyov thematic courses on "Tuberculosis of respiratory tract in childhood and teenagers" and "Early diagnostics and prophylactics of early forms of tuberculosis of children and teenagers" are held.
Scientific activity of the department
Besides qualification and general improvement cycles, thematic courses on early diagnostics of lung tuberculosis, roentgen diagnostics of other diseases of respiratory system, differential diagnostics of tuberculosis, treatment of patients with tuberculosis also had been organized. Relations with other departments became closer. Specialists on venereology, ophthalmology, urology and surgical neurology, traumatology, orthopedics departments were involved to education process and scientific potential of the department have been increased. Effectiveness of lymph-therapy, artificial pneumothorax, metabolism during tuberculosis, functional changes in the cardiovascular and respiratory system during the of various forms of tuberculosis, lung tuberculosis co-existence of non-specific diseases, rehabilitation and relapses, pulmonary tuberculosis, pulmonary tuberculosis and a comprehensive study on the surgical treatment of Plevritis are studied by the department. Director of the department docent E.N.Mammadbeyov occupies this post since 1987. Now Ph.D. Y.Sh,Shikhaliyev and senior scientist L.H.Kazimova work at the department. Specialists of the department keep close relations with scientific research institute of Russia, Turkey and Kazakhstan. With supervision of E.N.Mammadbeyov thematic courses on "Tuberculosis of respiratory tract in childhood and teenagers" and "Early diagnostics and prophylactics of early forms of tuberculosis of children and teenagers" are held. During the recent years thematic improvement trainings in education plan of the department are more and more. Since 2000 year thematic courses for therapeutics and pulmonologists on topics "Phytisio-pulmonology", "Respiratory system tuberculosis and its differential diagnostics" are held in the department. During last 40 years more than 4 000 doctors attended improvement courses of the department. During the trainings, trainers talk not only about tuberculosis, also about other diseases of respiratory system.
Treatment activity of the department
Specialists of the department also paid great attention to treatment and consultation activity. Clinical basis of the department is situated in Central Dispensary Against Tuberculosis #1. Together with ambulatory department, there is a stationary department with 160 beds in dispensary. Specialists of carry out consultations for all difficult cases introduced by ambulatory and stationary branches of the dispensary and examine patients with respiratory system diseases sent by different departments of the ASATID, facilities of the Ministry of Health and other hospitals. They take art at all workshop and conferences held by the dispensary, make speeches, and make reports about most interesting and difficult cases.
Department of Hygiene
Department of Infectious Diseases
About the department
Department of İnfectious Diseases of the Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute for Doctors named after A. Aliyev (ASATID) was established in 1945 and since then operates within the third City Clinical Hospital. The first director of the department was prof. Sh.S.Khalfen, honoured scientist of Azerbaijan. Docent E.A.Shtivel, his assistants H.D.Mehdiyeva, A.T.Gulibekova performed at the department during that time and worked for improvement of education quality as well as for scientific development. Beginning from the first days the department undertakes professional development of doctors and scientific researches. M.M.Guliyev was the first post-graduate student of the department (1946-1949) and in next years M.A.Guliyev (1956-1959), N.B.Tagiyeva (1957-1960), Vinogradova-Rahmanova A.H. (1961-1964), N.M.Mammadova –Mirishli (1962-1965), A.I.Asildarova (1964-1967), A.H.Veliyeva (1968-1971), N.H. Samedova – Huseynova (1969-1972), F.A.Farzaliyev (1986-1989), E.G.Mejidova (1985-1988), V.G.Suleymanov (1987-1990), also junior resident physician R.M.Simberova, O.A.Babayeva – Abdullayeva, A.A.Ibrahimov were post-graduate students of the department. Traditionally the first scientific directions of department were acute and chronic intestinal pathology and viral hepatitis. 13 scientific theses have been realized and successfully defended at the department till now. Great part of scientific researches, performed within the department, are practically important. So for the first time in Azerbaijan, in 1946 M.M.Guliyev implemented treatment of abdominal typhus, wide spread at that time, by means of Chloramphenicol and achieved fully treatment and prophylactics of the disease. Further M.M.Guliyev studied immunological changes of patients with abdominal typhus and requested and applied correction of them. In 1961-64 years A.H.Vinoqradova studied forms of hepatitis of children and adults and developed their detection methods. Nowadays specific determination of liver enzymes in the blood serum is also important for diagnostics of all forms of virus hepatitis. She also studied some actual aspects of fulminal hepatitis and treatment methods which she had requested are being applied till now. N.M.Mirishli first in Azerbaijan studied intestinal micro-flora during acute and chronic colitis in 1962 and his correction methods were applied and these methods are actual in our days. Further N.M.Mirishli studied ways of large spreading of chronic hepatitis B virus in big industrial enterprises of Baku city and developed and implemented complex of measures for prevention of infection. Examination of patients with sigellyoz bacteria held within frames of scientific researches implemented in 1964 year by A.I.Asildarova, post-graduate student of the department, showed that all these patients are chronically ill and they must be treated. People in included to special groups should be isolated. Number of doctors studying in development courses during first years of the department was no more than 7-10. Currently there this figure reached to 12-15. In resent years 1-month thematic development and overall improvement courses specializing in infectious diseases, intestinal infections and invasions, various topical infections, including malaria, viral hepatitis, AIDS are being implemented in the department and infectionologist, as well as district doctors and family doctors are involved to these courses. Post graduate doctors (interns) are being informed at these courses. Interns take part at examinations held by professors and docents during a week and also participate at consultations and observations of Infectious Diseases Department and other departments. Regular workshops and seminars are being organized on actual subjects with their participation. Theoretical knowledge and practical skills of inters are being assessed at the end of these courses.
Professor Sh.S.Khalfen led the department till 1968 year. He made great work for widely studying of intestinal infections. He wrote two monographs, methodical advices on inflectional and parasitic diseases and more than 100 scientific articles. Three of his post-graduate students - Guliyev M.M., Rahmanova A.H., Mirishli N.M.- have defended doctor thesis and became professors. Guliyev M.M. was a director of the department during 1968-1975 years. According to traditions of the department he continued scientific researches within the department. Huseynova N.H defended scientific thesis with his leadership and further became medical doctor and professor. Besides it one master’s thesis (Guliyev M.M.) and two doctor’s thesis (Asildarova A.İ., 1969, Veliyev A.N., 1973) have been defended during this period. From 1975 till 2011 professor Mirishli Nisakhanim Mamad, famous doctor of our republic was a director of the department. She defended doctor’s thesis on "Hepatitis B Virus in big industrial cities" in St.Petersburg city of the Russian Federation in 1990. Six master’s thesis have been defended in the department within this period (Farzaliyev F.A.-1987, Macidova E.G.- 1988, Suleymanov V.G.-1990, Maharramov A.A.-1996, Eyvazov T.H.-1997, Ahmadova L.-1998). 12 methodical manuals, guidelines, and more than 100 scientific articles, written by Prof. Mirishli are published. The department stuff implements mobile courses about actual infectious diseases in regions of the republic and also delivers consultative aid to people. They participate and make speeches in all relevant seminars. They are: The 1st Eurasian congress of gastroenterologist (Baku 1997); Various meetings of the European Association for the Study of the Liver (Vienne 2010, Berlin 2012, Amsterdam 2013, St.Petersburg 2013 ). The department closely cooperate with department of Infectious Diseases of St. Petersburg Post-Graduate Academy. The former employee of the Department Rakhmanov A.H., who was head of that department for many years, currently is a chief infectionist of St. Petersburg. The other former employees of our department - medical doctor N.H.Huseynova is a professor and head of the department of pediatric infectious diseases of the State Medical University of Azerbaijan, A.A.Veliyev is a docent of the department of pediatric infectious diseases, O.S.Abdullayev, who was clinical resident physician of our department, is an assistant there. Great deal of attention is paid to studying of viral hepatitis in our department in recent years. Eyvazov T.H., who was a post-graduate student of the department, works at the department since 1989 and since 2000 year he is a docent of the department. Subject of his master thesis is "Clinical, biochemical and immunological properties of chronic viral hepatitis B and D within Different groups of people with HbsAg positive". Within the frames of this thesis Docent Eyvazova T.N. studied different activity properties of chronic viral hepatitis B and D and developed and implemented in practice early definition methods of these viruses what improved disease forecasting. She is an author of more than 50 scientific publications, 5 of which are methodical manuals. Honored Doctor of Medicine Ayvazova T.H. is a head of the department. Assistant of the department Pashabeyli Sevinj is working on master thesis subject of which is "interferon application in the treatment of viral hepatitis". Another assistant of the department Bagirova Leyla Sharif works at the department since 1994. Subject of her master thesis is "Etiological diagnosis of acute bacterial meningitis". She is an author of more than 30 scientific articles. Najafova Ayten Mesim was employed as an assistant to the department in 2010. She is working over PhD thesis on "Clinical and biochemical and immunological properties of hepatitis B and C virus of HIV-infected patients receiving ARVI therapy". The same year also Sheydaliyeva Sevinj Rafik has been employed as assistant and she takes and active part at all scientific research works implemented by the department.
Scientific direction of the department
Department’s scientific activity is directed towards viral hepatitis with parenteral infection mechanism. All staff members of the department work towards this problem. "Clinical and biochemical and immunological properties of hepatitis B and C virus of HIV-infected patients receiving ARVI therapy" is last researched problem.
Treatment activity of the department
Department of İnfectious Diseases operates within the third City Clinical Hospital. There are 30 beds in the department intended for patients with viral hepatitis and acute intestinal infection. Besides it staff of the department delivers consultative support to all departments of the hospital as well as to Hospitals İnfectious of Diseases for children #1,5,7.
Department of Laboratory Work
About the department
The Department of Laboratory Work of Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute for Doctors named after A. Aliyev (ASATID) is situated in the main building of the institute.
In 1940 the department of Malaria and Medical Parasitology Department, developing medical prophylactic doctors (therapists, pediatricians, infectiologists, area physicians) on clinical parasitology had been established within the ASATID. The first director of the department was I.B.Akhundov. When the First World War started the department had been closed and opened again on basis of the Institute of Malaria and Medical Parasitology in 1945. In 1946 docent Nazirov M.R. became a director of the department. The department had conducted trainings for doctors-parasitologists of SES. From 1947 till 1960, while the independent Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics Department had been established, doctors on clinical laboratory diagnostics also attended those trainings. In 1960 the department had been moved to the republic Clinical Hospital named after Academician M.A. Mirkasimov. In 1969 the department had been appointed to develop specialists on clinical laboratory diagnostics. So, the name of the department had been changed and became Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics and Parasitology Department and docent Nazirov M.R. led the department till 1979. Nazirov M.R. was very talented and well known specialist on parasitology and laboratory diagnostics. For increasing of education level in 1975 Clinical Laboratory Diagnostic Department jointed Clinical Parasitology Department in 1975. The department conducts qualification and improvement courses on laboratory diagnostics of diseases, clinical parasitology and laboratory diagnostics of parasitic diseases, also thematic trainings on clinical bio-chemistry. Since 1979 highly qualified specialists such as Ahmedbeyli B.N., Glashkina T.P., Bekirzadeh G.M., Jabrayilbeyov N.S. worked at the department. During these years 4 clinical ordinates and 2 aspirants - Efendiyeva L.A. and Amiraslanova S. are trained at the department. Education process at the department covers the following topics:
- laboratory diagnostics of parasitic diseases;
- clinical bio-chemistry;
- general clinical, haematological and cytological diagnosis methods;
- organization of laboratory services.
Since its establishment the department studies such diseases as malaria, leishmaniasis, brucellosis, teniidoz, etc. which are regional pathologies in Azerbaijan. Results of these research works affected
on diagnostics of these diseases and form the basis for the fight against malaria. Besides it some the department studied metabolism, chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis problems. Specialists of the department have conducted the following scientific research works:
- Clinical biochemistry - "The role of thiamine percentage in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism disorder at malignant tumors" (prof. Bekirzadeh G.M., Moscow, 1986);
- Hemotology - "Blood coagulation ability in some allergic processes during the experiment", (docent Guliyeva Z.M., Moscow, 1982);
- Parasitology - "City sources for prevention of parasitological surveillance and echinococcosis hidatidoz", docent Jalilova S.A. Baku, 1992);
- General clinical diagnosis methods - "Change of tumor resistance on basis of infection process" (assistant Adigozelov D.A., Baku, 1996).
Studies of impact of new and classic hipotenzin on homeostasis of patients with arterial hypertension are carried out together with specialists the Department of Therapy of ASATID. More than 200 scientific articles written by employees of the department had been published in local and foreign mass media. 4 text books had been prepared at the department: "Practicum on clinical biochemistry" by Bekirzadeh G.M., "Human helminthiasis", "Clinical examination of urine" and "Feces" by docent Jalilova S.A. Specialists of the department make consultations to practical doctors on laboratory diagnostics and parasitology.
Specialists of the department annually conduct mobile courses in regions of Azerbaijan. Prof. Bekirzadeh Gulnaz Mammad is a director of the department since 1986. She had defended doctor thesis in 1986 and is an author of two text books and several scientific books. Docents Guliyeva Z.M., jalilova S.A., Nacafova D.A., Rzayeva N.R., Kerimova K.M. work at the department.
Scientific activity of the department
Specialists of the department work on diagnostics of viral hepatitis.
Department of Pharmacology
The Department of Microbiology and Epidemiology
The Department of Microbiology and Epidemiology of the Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute for Doctors named after A. Aliyev (ASATID) was established within the Scientific Research Institution of Microbiology and Epidemiology in 1946 and Doctor of Medicine M.I.Lurye was its director. Professor B.G.Maharramov was a director of the department during 1970-1990 years. In 1991 year professor F.A.Sadikhov came to this position and he successfully performs it till now. L.E.Dadashov and Z.G.Garagashli were the first post-graduate students of the department. The first scientific theses were about epidemiology of diseases caused by microbes in the gut, characteristics of provocative infections and various aspects of immunity. Besides them the following scientists have been working at the department: doctor of medicine N.N.Sterkhova, masters of medicine Kh.G.Huseynova-Melikova, N.Sharifova, B.Y.Khain, S.L.Tolyarov, İ.A.Danilov, O.A.Babayeva, T.G.Huseynov, İ.Seidov, G.G.Kerimova, L.Bagirova, L.T.Alixanova, N.H.Ryabtseva. Epidemiologists, microbiologists, parasitologists improve their knowledge and professionalism at general improvement courses, specialization and thematic courses organized by the department. After moving of the department to the Institution of Virology, Microbiology and Hygiene capacity of the department was developed and number of employees increased. Therefore, number of graduators is also increased. So, 9-12 doctors attend 4 general improvement courses and 4 thematic courses annually. Besides it periodically additional courses also are being organized within the department and different leading specialists from all regions of the republic are being involved to education process. 10-14 doctors attend each of these courses. Since 2005 the department is situated within the Republic Centre of Hygiene and Epidemiology. Annually 80-100 specialists improve their professional qualification in the department. Now specialization and general improvement courses on "Bacteriology" and "Epidemiology" cover the following themes: "Selected problems of Epidemiology", "Epidemiology and prophylactics of respiratory tract infections", "Epidemiology and prophylactics of enteric infections", "Vaccination", "Selected problems of bacteriology", "Microbiological diagnostics of acute enteric diseases", "Microbiological diagnostics of infective diseases", "Microbiological diagnostics of airborne respiratory infections", etc. Additionally to plan thematic improvement courses on themes "Selected problems of parasitology", "Entomology", "Virology", etc. also are organized by the department. Beginning from 1990 year such courses are also being organized in different regions of the Republic such as Lenkoran, Ganja, Yevlakh, Mingachevir, ets. Together with education works specialists of the department are also busy with scientific research works. Scientific research works study problems related to epidemiology and microbiology in districts. Scientific research works which are continued since 1990 year cover several actual medical problems such as, studying of specification of epidemiology of respiratory infections, global termination of poliomyelitis, monitoring and containment of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP). As the result of research works held in Azerbaijan poliomyelitis has been terminated within the European region. Recently, after termination of poliomyelitis, scientific research works on monitoring and containment of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) are being realized according to programs of GMO with the leadership of prof. F.A.Sadkhova in cooperation with laboratory of virology and poliomyelitis. For implementation of these works the department cooperates with several scientific institutions such as, GMO, Moscow Institute of Poliomyelitis and viral encephalitis, Azerbaijan branch of International Academy of Sciences, Azerbaijan Institute of Pediatrician. Four doctoral theses, 28 master theses have been defended within the department. Besides them results of scientific research works have been attracted and published in 225 scientific articles, monograph, 12 methodical manuals, and books. Specialists of the department take part at trainings and monitoring organized by GMO within the frames of Extended Immunology Program. So, the department is realizing active scientific and practical performance. One doctor of medicine-professor, 2 masters of medicine –docents, 1 assistant are working at the department currently.
The Department of Pathological Anatomy and Forensic Medical Examination
About the department
Specialists on pathological anatomy and forensic medical examination of our republic used to go to Moscow, Kiyev and Kharkov cities and Baltic countries for post graduate education some years ago. After the collapse of the former Soviet Union pathological anatomists from Azerbaijan couldn’t attend post-graduation training courses. For solution of this problems courses of Pathological Anatomy and Forensic Medical Examination had been established within the Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute for Doctors named after A. Aliyev (ASATID) in 1994. During 5 years since its establishment date, Musayev Shakir, the deputy general director of Forensic Medical Examination and Pathological Anatomy Association of the Ministry of Health led those courses. Each year after its establishment there were conducted at least one training on either forensic medical examination, or pathological anatomy and tens of specialists on pathological anatomy and forensic medical examination have attended those trainings. A lot of scientific works and articles had been prepared and published by employees of the course. But course’s performance wasn’t quite for training of specialists on pathological anatomy and forensic medical examination in the republic, and that’s why in 1998 the "Department of Pathological Anatomy and Forensic Medical Examination, with course of basics of legislation" had been created. The first director of the department became Musayev Shakir, general director of Forensic Medical Examination and Pathological Anatomy Scientific Research Association of the Ministry of Health. Since the date of its establishment material-technical and educational basis of the department are all departments and laboratories of Forensic Medical Examination and Pathological Anatomy Scientific Research Association of the Ministry of Health. There are all conditions for education and practical activity of employees of the department within the Association. In most of cases lectures and workshops are being organized at the conference hall of the Association. Specialists from all regional branches of the Forensic Medical Examination and Pathological Anatomy Scientific Research Association and teachers of the Department of Forensic Medical Examination and Pathological Anatomy of the State Medical University periodically conduct general and thematic trainings within the Department of Pathological Anatomy and Forensic Medical Examination of ASATID. During the period of its activity hundreds of post graduate doctors attended trainings organized by the department and could improve their skills and knowledge on pathological anatomy and forensic medicine according to modern scientific requirements. Doctors attended 11 training courses on forensic medicine and 8 training courses on pathological anatomy with duration of 1, 1,5, 2, 3, 4 and 5 months. During these years besides trainings, employees of the department also conducted scientific activity and implemented different scientific research works, which can help to determine personality using more modern and advanced scientific and technical methods, development of new diagnostic criteria, determining of age, gender, race and geographic origin according to bone remains. As the result of these scientific research works 1 doctor thesis has already been prepared and successfully defended (Sh.M.Musayev "Capabilities of craniometrical studying for identification of Caucasian population"). Besides it aspirant Ibrahimov A.Sh and aspirant Huseynov V.K also wrote and defended master thesis as the result of scientific research works. Researcher mahmudov E.Y. implemented scientific research on topic "Determining of missing measures on skulls with defects by means of mathematical methods". Staff of the department consists of 5 persons. Employees of the department are authors of a lot of text books and monographs, methodical manuals, scientific articles. The first part of text book "Forensic Medicine" written by Sh.M.Musayev was published in 1999 and the second part - in 2001. Besides it employees of the department published 12 monographs, 30 methodical manuals, more than 100 scientific articles and theses.
Specialists of the department developed education programs (qualification, general improvement and thematic improvement courses) for post graduate education of doctors on forensic medicine and pathological anatomy. Besides it they carried out preparation of regulations, rules, manuals and 18 normative acts for regulation of performance of forensic medicine and pathological anatomy services of the Republic. The department created close relations with other departments and scientific research institution, as well as with analogical institutions of foreign countries. Specialists from the department participated at international workshops and conferences and made speeches, results of these conferences and workshops have been published as manuals within our republic. Director of the Department, Prof. Sh.M.Musayev was a member of the International Commission created for studying of remains of Nicolay II and his family in the Russian Federation. Scientific articles written by specialists of the department have been published in journals of Turkey, USA, Great Britain, Finland, Slovakia, Russia, Iran, etc. The department is a theoretical and practical education centre, also methodological and scientific centre for all pathological anatomists of Azerbaijan.
Scientific activity of the department
Laboratories, equipment and inventories of the Forensic Medical Examination and Pathological Anatomy Scientific Research Association of the Ministry of Health are being used for scientific research works of the Department of Forensic Medical Examination and Pathological Anatomy of ASATID. Employees of the department attend all examinations, expertises and studies conducted in all branches and laboratories of the association and conduct these processes themselves. They implement large spectre of scientific works on "Forensic Medical Identification of Personality".
Dear friends!
Welcome to website of one of the biggest higher medical institutes of Azerbaijan and Former Soviet Union!
Our institute successfully provides development of national healthcare and higher medical personnel, development and improvement of qualifications of doctors for 80 years. The institute aims to increase awareness of medical education of doctors, their obtaining of new achievements of fundamental medicine and obtaining application of modern methods of diagnostics in clinical practice. These are integral attributes of developing modern medicine of the XXI century. Professor V.A.Tarnogradskiy, M.M.Efendiyev and B.A.Agayev were the first rectors of the institute. Academician Aziz Aliyev played great role for revival of our institute. The institute named after him since 1962 year according to resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers based on request of institute’s staff. Talented and highly qualified medical personnel, including M.Mammadov, M.X. Yagubov, S.M. Gusman, I.I.Lukov, S.G.Stain, N.M. Israfilova, P.P. Popov, S.İ.Velikhan, etc. was established in Azerbaijan during these years.