As the result of entrance exams held by the State Commission in 2011 52 doctors-residents, in 2012 41 doctors-residents, in 2013 43 doctors-residents have been accepted to the Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute of Doctors named after A.Aliyev. Currently 126 doctors-residents study at residency of ASATID.
Residents study under supervision of curators-supervisors appointed according to the order of the Minister of Health O.Shiraliyev on "Appointment of curators-supervisors for doctors-residents studying at residency". Residents attend seminars, lectures on their specialization. During practice period they work as doctors-specialists under supervision of curators-supervisors at sufficient departments of hospitals and clinics working with departments of ASATID. They are involved to scientific research works held by departments and preparation of publications, speeches and materials for conferences and symposiums written by employees of department.
Underlining importance of participation of residents at all these events, it should be noticed that development of residents on their directs specializations is based on treatment-diagnosing practice held by departments at which they study. Taking into account all these moments "Personal education program of resident" have been prepared at ASATID, which consists of parts of passport, list of rotations, listened lectures, seminars, publications, attending congresses and symposiums and practical activity of residents. Control over performance of residents and curators is carried out by the Rector of ASATID and the department of Residency.
Anesthesiology and Resuscitation
Residents' performance
The Department of
Anesthesiology and Resuscitation of The Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute of Doctors named after A.Aliyev -
Clinical Republic Hospital named after Academician M.Mir-Gasimov (II building) tel.: 431-30-40
Clinical Republic Urological Hospital named after Academician M.J.Javad-zadeh tel.: 492-24-23
Baku city, Central Station of Emergency Health Care Service, Bakikhanov street, 42 tel.: 440-42-33
Baku city, Training Base of Emergency Health Care Service.
General Surgery
Residents' performance
The Department of
Surgery-I of The Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute of Doctors named after A.Aliyev -
Clinical City Hospital #3 (Sabunchu settlement) tel.: 450-19-05
Plastic Surgery - Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Clinics (Vagif Gelender)
The Department of
Surgery-II of The Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute of Doctors named after A.Aliyev -
Surgery Clinics of ASATID named after A.Aliyev (Sabunchu settlement) tel.: 450-19-05
Residents' performance
The Department of Otholoringology of The Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute of Doctors named after A.Aliyev -
Clinical Republic Hospital named after Academician M.Mir-Gasimov (II building) tel.: 431-61-58
Traumatology and Orthopedy
Residents' performance
The Department of Traumatology and Orthopedy of The Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute of Doctors named after A.Aliyev -
Clinical City Hospital #3 (Sabunchu settlement) tel.: 450-11-68
Residents' performance
The Department of Urology of the Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute of Doctors named after A.Aliyev -
Clinical Republic Urological Hospital named after Academician M.J.Javad-zadeh tel.: 492-24-23
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Residents' performance
The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute of Doctors named after A.Aliyev -
Clinical Republic Hospital named after Academician M.Mir-Gasimov (I building) tel.: 431-60-68
Clinical City Hospital #3 (Sabunchu settlement) tel.: 450-11-68
Residents' performance
The Department of Nervous Diseases of the Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute of Doctors named after A.Aliyev -
Clinical Republic Hospital named after Academician M.Mir-Gasimov (I building) tel.: 431-89-48
Residents' performance
The Department of Cardiology of the Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute of Doctors named after A.Aliyev -
Clinical City Hospital #3 (Sabunchu settlement) tel.: 450-14-51
Residents' performance
The Department of Nephrology of the Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute of Doctors named after A.Aliyev -
Clinical Republic Hospital named after Academician M.Mir-Gasimov (I building) tel.: 431-49-00
Residents' performance
The Department of Venereology of the Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute of Doctors named after A.Aliyev -
Baku city, Venereal dispensary (Tolstoy street 135) tel.: 494-68-51, 494-35-03
Residents' performance
The Department of Reumatology of the Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute of Doctors named after A.Aliyev -
Clinical City Hospital #3 (Sabunchu settlement) tel.: 450-14-51
Residents' performance
The Department of Endokrinology of the Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute of Doctors named after A.Aliyev -
Clinical Republic Hospital named after Academician M.Mir-Gasimov (I building) tel.: 431-31-40
Residents' performance
The Department of Psychiatry and Narcology of the Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute of Doctors named after A.Aliyev -
Neuropsychiatric dispensary (Narimanov district, Hidayet-zadeh str. 4) tel.: 566-24-09
Residents' performance
The Department of Pediatry of the Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute of Doctors named after A.Aliyev -
Scientific Research Institute of Pediatry named after K.Faradjova, Republic Children Hospital, Children Policlinics #13, tel.: 430-08-93, 431-87-80
Ray Diagnostics
Residents' performance
The Department of Ray Diagnostics of the Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute of Doctors named after A.Aliyev -
Clinical Republic Hospital named after Academician M.Mir-Gasimov (II building), tel.: 431-40-33
Residents' performance
The Department of Stomatology and Maxillofacial Surgery of the Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute of Doctors named after A.Aliyev -
Clinical Republic Hospital named after Academician M.Mir-Gasimov (II building)