According to resolution of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic on application of Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "On Education" dated on September 5, 2009, for implementation of the "Guidelines for the content and organization of residency education of the Government of the Azerbaijan Republic" dated on March 18, 2010 and taking into consideration the proposals, based on the experience approved by the international education system, of international experts within the World Bank's Health Sector Reform Project in order to ensure residency training of highly qualified medical specialists the Residency Department within the ASATID named after A.Aliyev was established in correspondence with Order of the Minister of Health of the Azerbaijan Republic dated on July 2010.
Staff of the Department:
Chief of the department: m.m.s., docent T.H.Eyvazov
Inspector: Ph.D. G.H.Sadigov
Eyvazov Tayyar Hashim wokrs at the Residency Department of the Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute for Doctors named after A. Aliyev (ASATID) since 1989. His position has changed from senior laboratory assistant to docent of the department. Main direction of his scientific activity is parenteral infection mechanism of viral hepatitis. He is an author of about 40 scientific publications and a member of operating commission of the Ministry of Health against AIDS. Tayyar Eyvazov closely collaborates with Social Health and Reforms Center and he is also a member of attestation and certification of the Ministry of Health on therapy specialization. He is a dean of the medical-prophylactics faculty of the Medical University since 2000. Currently he continues scientific researches on viral hepatitis. He had defended master thesis in 1997 on "Clinical, biochemical and immunological features of chronic B and D viral hepatitis among population with HbsAq positive". He leads conducting of education process in the faculty, also conducts control over planning and implementation of scientific researches in the institute. Tayyar Eyvazov was a member of working group for development of law of the Azerbaijan Republic on Immunoprophylactics of Inflectional Diseases and was a participant of different scientific conferences held in Russia, Germany, Australia, Turkey, Egypt, Latvia, USA. He participates at project for fighting with especially dangerous infections carried out with support of US government. Tayyar Eyvazov is a director of the Residency Department of the ASATID since 2011.
Sadigova Gulustan Hamid was born in Baku in 1972, studied at the Pediatry Fakulty Azerbaijan State Medical University during 1989-1995 years. She worked at the Citu Children Hospital #2 in 1995-1996 years and as a therapist at the Marie Policlinics #2 in 1996-1998 years. In 1998 she attended improvement trainings at the ASATID named after A. Aliyev and since 2004 she is a dissertant of the department of Social Hygiene and Organization of Health Care of ASATID. She had defended master Ph.D. thesis on "Health and lifestyle features of students from different regions of the country" in 2011. In 2012 Sadigova Gulustan attended general improvement courses on "Gastroenterology" at the Russian Post Graduate Medical Academy. She is a docent of the Department Therapy since 2011 and she is an author of 24 scientific works, 2 methodic manuals. Doctor Sadigova is a Scientific Secretary Dissertation Commission under the High Attestation Commission. Currently she works on doctoral thesis and works at the Residence Department of ASATID.
Dear friends!
Welcome to website of one of the biggest higher medical institutes of Azerbaijan and Former Soviet Union!
Our institute successfully provides development of national healthcare and higher medical personnel, development and improvement of qualifications of doctors for 80 years. The institute aims to increase awareness of medical education of doctors, their obtaining of new achievements of fundamental medicine and obtaining application of modern methods of diagnostics in clinical practice. These are integral attributes of developing modern medicine of the XXI century. Professor V.A.Tarnogradskiy, M.M.Efendiyev and B.A.Agayev were the first rectors of the institute. Academician Aziz Aliyev played great role for revival of our institute. The institute named after him since 1962 year according to resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers based on request of institute’s staff. Talented and highly qualified medical personnel, including M.Mammadov, M.X. Yagubov, S.M. Gusman, I.I.Lukov, S.G.Stain, N.M. Israfilova, P.P. Popov, S.İ.Velikhan, etc. was established in Azerbaijan during these years.