Approved by permission F-89 of the
Higher Attestation Commission under the
President of the Azerbaijan Republic.
FD 2.11 Composition of the ward
3205.01 - "Internal diseases"
1. Mirzazadeh Valeh Agasafa Doctor of Medical Sciences
2. Mustafayev Isakh Ismail - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
3. Mehdiyev Samir Hasai - Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor
4. Sardarli Fuad Zulfugar - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
5. Sultanova Sadagyat Sabir kyzy - Doctor of Philosophy of Medical Sciences
3213.01 - "Surgery"
1. Gasimov Nazim Akif (Chairman) - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
2. Aliyev Sahin Hashim - Doctor of Medical Sciences
3. Alakbarova Ilaha Kamal - Doctor of Philosophy of Medical Sciences
4. Fattah-Pur Vugar Ali - Doctor of Philosophy of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor
5. Huseynov Sahib Ahmad - Doctor of Medical Sciences
3215.01 - "Maternity and Gynecology"
1. Alakbarova Samira Alakbar - Doctor of Philosophy of Medical Sciences
2. Abbasova Zahra Farhad - Doctor of Medical Sciences
3. Makhmudbekova Zumrud Faiq - Doctor of Philosophy of Medical Sciences
4. Rzaguliyeva Leyla Musa - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
5. Shamkhalova Izzyat Arif - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
3222.01 - "Skin diseases"
1. Javad-zadeh Mir-Riyad Mir-Mammad - Doctor of Medical Sciences
2. Amirova Irina Aleksandrovna - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
3. Karimov Sanan Gusu - Doctor of Medical Sciences
4. Makhmudov Farid Rufat - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
5. Shukurov Tayyar Shahmar - Doctor of Philosophy of Medical Sciences