ANNOUNCEMENT! A scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of The National Leader of Azerbaijani people Heydar Aliyev will be held 16.01.2023
The place of the great leader Heydar Aliyev in the history of Azerbaijan is unparalleled. Because he is the man who created a turning point in the history of Azerbaijan and turned the country's course from decline to progress. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the national leader's birth. By the order of the President of the country Ilham Aliyev, this year has been declared the Year of Heydar Aliyev. The period of activity of the great leader as a political and statesman is the brightest page in the history of Azerbaijan. Today, the principles defined by the National Leader are being successfully implemented in all spheres of our country's life and because of his policy Azerbaijan is confidently moving forward along the path of dynamic development.
On May 5, 2023, a scientific and practical international conference with the participation of scientists invited from Turkish Republic dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Heydar Aliyev will be held at Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute for Doctors named after A. Aliyev. A collection of conference materials will be published. Articles and synopsis in Azerbaijani, Russian or English are accepted until January 30, 2023. The volume of articles should not exceed 3 pages, and the volume of synopsis should not exceed 1 page: in A4 format, the free space must meet the conditions of 2.5 cm on each side, font size 14, Times New Roman, spacing 1. Articles and abstracts should be submitted in paper (one copy) and electronic (CD) versions together with abstracts of articles.
Address: AZ1012, Tbilisi avenue, yard 3165, ASATID, Baku.
Associate Professor M.T. Meybaliev, vice-rector for scientific work.
Phone: (+994) 12 431-01-82.
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Welcome to website of one of the biggest higher medical institutes of Azerbaijan and Former Soviet Union!
Our institute successfully provides development of national healthcare and higher medical personnel, development and improvement of qualifications of doctors for 80 years. The institute aims to increase awareness of medical education of doctors, their obtaining of new achievements of fundamental medicine and obtaining application of modern methods of diagnostics in clinical practice. These are integral attributes of developing modern medicine of the XXI century. Professor V.A.Tarnogradskiy, M.M.Efendiyev and B.A.Agayev were the first rectors of the institute. Academician Aziz Aliyev played great role for revival of our institute. The institute named after him since 1962 year according to resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers based on request of institute’s staff. Talented and highly qualified medical personnel, including M.Mammadov, M.X. Yagubov, S.M. Gusman, I.I.Lukov, S.G.Stain, N.M. Israfilova, P.P. Popov, S.İ.Velikhan, etc. was established in Azerbaijan during these years.